My Skillbox it is a tool that gives the employee access to system. Thanks to an up-to-date feedback, for example about skills appraisal, planned trainings, the system is supporting development of an employee.
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Competency Matrix better
Skills Matrix
Skills Matrix allows to manage skills in terms of a team or the whole organization.

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Try SkillBoxWhat can I achive by using Skill Matrix?
Properly parametrized Matrix will deliver information about gaps and competency outgrowth in work fields. Information collected by systematically made skills evaluations will allow to make decisions about employees more efficiently.
Currently each of supervisors has his own Exel file. Will he have access only to his team in the SkillBox system?
Yes, each supervisor will have access only to his team and to their skills. Accessibility increases with the level in the structure.
Is it possible to self-modify the Matrix after implementation?
Yes, authorised persons (admins) will have the possibility of system modifications and parametrization as well as adding/cancelations of skills, work fields and modifications of assesment scales.
Qualifications Matrix
Qualifications Matrix enable to oversee the validity date of employees permissions, trainings, doctors certificates.

All important deadlines in one place! Try SkillBox!
Try SkillBoxPeriodic Evaluation System
Periodic evaluation system together with Competency Matrix, allows to overwiev an employee – appraise his soft skills, verify alredy evaluated competencies, set and verify goals, analysis of training needs as well as make decisions about further employee development path.

Make an reliable and comprehensive evaluation of your employee. Try SkillBox!
Try SkillBoxWhy the evaluation process should be automated?
Our clients are reaching to us because hand made evaluation system is not effective at all. Evaluations are made on paper or electronic as a survey in MS Office applications and need to be implement into common data base to enable to make any analisis or action. The system automaticaly collect the data into reports. Also the system verify if the data is complete and the imput date is correct.
What kind of analisis are avaiable in the Periodic Evaluation System?
Skillbox has an expanded reporting module, which contains among others a comparison of the organisation or employees in chosen periods, analysis of training needs, report supporting interior recruitment as well as personnel decision simulator, where you can verify if an employee, for example as a result of a promotion, will meet requirements of the competency profile.
Who is parametrysating the process?
The system Admin has ability of uploading his own competency directory and can parametrise the process accordingly to the actual course. The survey apperance in terms of rating section (competency, skills, training needs, goals etc.) is tottaly configurated from the client site.
Training Mangement
Training management allows for a comprehensive training process in the organization, from budgeting tot he assessment of training effectiveness.

Manage the training process in your organization. Try SkillBox!
Try SkillBoxDocuments and alerts
Module with documents will suport the company during the audits by displaying employees’knowledge of necessary documents ( for example with procedure, instruction). Alerts will make sending notifications to any group of employees easier.
- Managing documents by updating and versioning.
- Sharing chosen documents with employees and controling their level of acknowledgment.
- Assosiation of documents with skills and with Matrix elements – automatically verification their updates during employee evaluation.
- Sharing alerts with employees with certain timeline of allert acknowledgment.
Quality and quantity analisis based on employees appraisal. Personell decision simulation, gaps and competency outgrowths, trainings needs – total balance of human resources.
- Quick access to information about employees skills and competencies.
- Visual presentation of potential within organisation in terms of employees skills and competencies.
- Time needed to get skills- average progression time for an employee to get next appraisal level.
- Comparison of employees or work groups
- Graphic presentation of competencies vs requirements
- Personnel decision simulator.
- Option to download a report as a xls or pdf file.
- Report arrangement from general to detailed – from the whole company level, specific individuals or supervisors to a single employee level.
Get quick access tot he complete information and reporting package. Try SkillBox!
Try SkillBoxMy SkillBox

Mobile App
Mobile App gives access to the system in terms of SkillBox for an employee. Thanks to this App an employee can check information ,for example about devolopment plan form any place.

We have a gift for you!
You can test managing of human capital with professional Competency Matrix in spreadsheet.