Which competences are crucial in the FMCG industry?
The FMCG industry, i.e. the market of fast moving consumer goods, as the name suggests, is an extremely dynamic environment. People who work in this sector need to know that constantly improving their skills and adapting to changes is essential. Nevertheless, there are certain qualifications and competences of employees that employees of the HR department pay particular attention to when hiring new people for the company. Read our article and find out which of them are key to this rapidly changing industry.
Knowledge of foreign languages is nowadays essential
Undoubtedly, companies from the FMCG sector are mostly international corporations in which the use of a foreign language is commonplace. Knowing it is definitely an indispensable tool for performing basic daily duties. Undoubtedly, the priority is English at a communicative level, which will allow easy contact with contractors or foreign branches of the company. It is worth mentioning that this was confirmed by the HRK survey, which shows that currently 79% of employers expect candidates to speak English at the C1 / C2 level. In addition, as many as 40% of them also require knowledge of business or technical vocabulary. An additional advantage of a candidate who applies for a job in the FMCG industry will be the knowledge of a second foreign language at the level of free communication – B1 / B2. Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic, Norwegian and even Czech are languages that are gaining in popularity and it is worth knowing them, because knowing them can translate into the amount of remuneration. All this is related to the fact that the Polish market is becoming more and more attractive in the eyes of foreign investors.
Candidates with developed negotiating skills are sought
It cannot be denied that the basic criterion for effective negotiation is not only professional knowledge, proper preparation for the entire process, but also having the ability to listen actively and the ability to deal with stress. Many companies from the FMCG industry have employees in the position called “sales trainer” who train people from sales departments. It is worth remembering that each client should be approached personally, therefore there is no one correct and proven negotiation technique that would always turn out to be the right one.
Analytical skills are appreciated
Highly developed analytical skills are currently one of the competences most expected by employers in the FMCG industry. Certainly, such a dynamic development of the market and the activities of the competition require constant analyzes. These skills are useful regardless of the level of the position held. The most frequently used in this market is P&L analysis and analysis of sales data.
You cannot forget about strategic thinking
An inherent and key element that FMCG employees face on a daily basis is creating long-term tactics aimed at achieving the organization’s goals. Each company has specific and precise assumptions that it intends to achieve in a given time, and also chooses the methods of their implementation. Such an approach to the processes taking place in the enterprise allows for the effective and full use of the potential and competences of their employees in individual teams.
A strictly defined goal
The ability to define realistic and clear goals, set priorities and use them in everyday tasks is crucial and necessary in the work of the FMCG industry. This feature is essential in sales positions, where achieving the assumed targets is even of paramount importance. Due to the dynamism of the FMCG industry, however, you should remain flexible and, if necessary, adapt your plans and action strategy to changing circumstances. Remember that the FMCG industry is characterized by dynamic changes. In this market, the enthusiastic approach of employees is also important, which strives not only to achieve the set goal, but also to exceed it.
People who associate their future with the FMCG industry should have the skills described above. In addition, employees of this sector should be independent, flexible, communicative and committed to the tasks entrusted to them.
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