HR challenges in the automotive industry.
Challenges in the automotive industry related to employee qualifications
Nowadays, the main challenges of the automotive industry include growing customer expectations, a shortage of talented employees in the still developing market and cost savings. According to many studies and reports, companies rarely offer their employees stable employment, and much more often prefer stable forms of employment. Due to this type of activity, the industry lacks competent and talented employees who would perform their work with commitment. ManpowerGroup conducted a survey in the automotive sector, which aimed to learn about the current situation and learn about plans for the development of this industry. As the results of the report “HR Trends in the Automotive Sector” show, as many as fifty-seven percent of respondents feel the economic slowdown. Companies that notice a deterioration assess the current economic situation as weak and unstable. Among the respondents there was a large group of entrepreneurs who described the current conditions for running a business in Poland as good.
What are the challenges facing the automotive industry?
The biggest challenges related to the modern automotive labor market are primarily the growing expectations of customers – as much as 64% of respondents. The next problem was the finding of candidates with appropriate skills and experience – 39% of the responses. It is hard not to notice that the economic slowdown caused by the dramatic situation in the world forces companies to be very cautious about investing. As internal challenges facing companies, the respondents most often indicated the search for cost savings – 73% and the emphasis on increasing efficiency – 61%. Moreover, significant internal challenges also turn out to be the appropriate competences of employees – 33%, and limitations in permanent employment, indicated by 24% of the respondents.
Development of the automotive industry
Entrepreneurs whose business is related to the automotive industry, in order to meet the growing challenges in the dynamically changing labor market, introduce more and more innovative services. One of the examples of this type of innovative techniques is the outsourcing of additional functions, which is used by as many as two out of three surveyed companies from the automotive sector, most of which (70%) use outsourcing of additional functions, e.g. cleaning and reception services.
What does the employment in the automotive industry look like?
Most of the surveyed enterprises, as much as 76%, use flexible forms of employment. Temporary work, which is the most popular solution in this area, was implemented by three out of four surveyed companies. Then, companies from the automotive industry use civil law contracts and use external employment services. It is also worth mentioning that most of the respondents consider flexible forms of employment and their translation into business as a very effective and convenient solution.
What are the latest HR trends in the automotive industry?
The ManpowerGropu employment agency also conducted a survey “HR Trends in the Automotive Sector”. The form of this survey was an on-line survey in which responses were obtained from thirty three companies representing the automotive industry. The survey was addressed to people responsible for HR policy, as well as people managing companies in this industry. The results of the ManpowerGroup survey, presented in the form of the “HR Trends in the Automotive Industry” report, allow you to get to know the current situation and long-term trends in this sector. They shape the image of the industry’s challenges as well as hiring forecasts. This knowledge allows not only to look at the current condition of the sector and its recruitment plans, but also to analyze the personnel policy in your own company in more detail.
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