Why it is important to support a lider
Satisfaction surveys conducted regularly in Poland show that the main factors related to job satisfaction are invariably: work-life balance, sense of belonging and influence, development (learning new things), remuneration, the possibility of reporting and solving various problems in the organization, stability employment, friendly work atmosphere provided by the leader.
The authors of the study (LeanPassion and Openfield) checked that 41% were dissatisfied with their leaders, and in this group more than 70% were dissatisfied with their work (negative job satisfaction). This confirms the long-known maxim, which says that you come to the company and leave the boss.
Who is a leader? Is every boss, manager a leader? Can every leader be a manager?
A leader (according to the Dictionary) is a special type of manager that is directly related to organizational behavior. This is a person who has a great influence on subordinates who carry out orders desired by the boss due to the ties they have. Leadership is characterized by the unique qualities of a person whom others are willing to trust and submit voluntarily to. Such a person enjoys authority, power that is accepted in a selected social group. According to Stanisław Mika, leadership is perceived as a certain ability, skill or quality of gaining followers, influencing, as well as creating a vision of development and stimulating people to act.
The researchers concluded that a group works well when it has someone with two primary roles:
1.solving problems – related to activities,
2. social – maintaining group stability (mediating dispute resolution and making certain people feel appreciated by the group).
A person who could fulfill these two functions simultaneously would be a particularly effective leader. In practice, however, a leader has the skills, temperament, and time to occupy only one of these positions. It does not bode well for the failure of a given group yet. It has been observed that in many successful groups there is a leadership split where one person (manager or formal leader) performs task related functions and another group member performs social functions.
It is clearly visible that in the leadership group, apart from qualifications, the so-called Soft skills, and these skills are often ignored, hard to catch and undoubtedly need to be taken care of.
Leaders often feel pressure – employees trust him and employers require him and without the support of the organization, the leader’s motivation may drop, and thus – the group’s motivation and thus efficiency at work may drop.
Regular employee appraisals definitely help and thus motivate the leader to be a leader. They raise his qualifications and motivations and thus improve the functioning of the organization.
Feedback, periodic assessments, planning development paths, improving qualifications – these are the tools that an employer should have and use effectively in order to strengthen the leadership position. Because these activities keep employees motivated, self-confident and feeling supported by the company. Unfortunately, this process is often overlooked due to the lack of time (you have to sit down, find the employee’s briefcase, go through the assessments already made, training confirmations, etc.)
The SkillBox competency matrix is a system support that will allow you to automate some of the processes and will definitely facilitate reporting and having data in one place, with one click. It will allow you to check the level of training or the achievement of goals set during the conversation with the leader on an ongoing basis. The leader also has the opportunity to view his profile, thus motivating himself to further action and self-education. As a result, he knows what his level is, where he needs support and, above all, he feels “well-kept” by the company.
And we must not forget that the company is made up of people.
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You can test managing of human capital with professional Competency Matrix in spreadsheet.