
Employee Competency Matrix – Free Template

Effective management of employee competencies becomes increasingly important to ensure team development and efficiency. In this context, the Employee Competency Matrix becomes an invaluable tool for managing team competencies. In this article, we will provide you with some information about the Competency Matrix and share a free template.

What is the Competency Matrix?

Essentially, the use of a competency matrix is to present the skills and competencies of employees in an organized and transparent manner so that you can see everything at a glance.

The matrix consists of two main elements. The first is the skill level, which determines the employee’s proficiency and expertise in a particular competency. Usually, the rating scale ranges from 1 to 5 or 1 to 10, where a higher number indicates a higher skill level. The scale can be customized based on individual preferences. The second element is the range of competencies, which describes the various aspects of work and tasks in which the employee utilizes their skills. This can include technical skills, interpersonal skills, or time management skills, among others.

The competency matrix allows your organization to assess employee skills, identify their strengths and areas for development, and facilitate the growth of specific competencies. It is also useful for planning development activities and training programs aimed at improving skills that have a significant impact on success. Through the competency matrix, a company can gain a better understanding of its strong resources and areas in need of development.

It is a valuable tool for managers and leaders who can allocate resources and tasks effectively within the team based on individual employees’ skills. It is also beneficial for employees as they can identify areas for skill improvement. In the subsequent parts of this article, we will discuss in detail how to effectively utilize the matrix for employee development and planning.

Competency Matrix – Download in Excel

Why should you use our Skills and Competency Matrix in Excel? First and foremost, Excel is a widely used program for creating spreadsheets, which means that most people are familiar with its basic functions. This makes it convenient and accessible for many users. However, if Excel is not sufficient for your needs, you can try the free demo of the Competency Matrix SkillBox, which allows comprehensive team management from a single platform.

Click here to download the Competency Matrix in Excel (at the bottom of the page).

Advantages of the Competency Matrix

A competency matrix is an incredibly useful tool that can be created and utilized within an organization. Having access to a matrix provides numerous benefits and facilitations in the process of managing employee competencies. Here are a few reasons why using a ready-made competency matrix template in Excel is worthwhile.

1. Convenience and accessibility: Downloading a competency matrix in Excel format means having access to a professional template in a straightforward manner. You don’t have to create the matrix from scratch, which would require significant time and resources. Simply download the ready-made template and customize it to fit your organization’s specific needs.

2. Editability and personalization: Creating a matrix in Excel allows for full editing and personalization. You can customize the columns, rows, and rating scales according to your organization’s specific requirements. Adding, removing, or modifying data is easy and flexible.

3. Clarity and readability: Excel offers advanced formatting features that enable you to present data in a clear and readable manner. You can apply different colors, charts, and visual formats to highlight different skill levels and competencies. This facilitates easy understanding and analysis of information.

4. Calculations and automation: The competency matrix in Excel allows you to utilize calculation functions to automatically calculate indicators and statistics. You can track employees’ progress, calculate averages, sum up points for individual competencies, and more. This saves time and increases data accuracy.

5. Easy sharing and collaboration: The Excel format enables easy sharing of the competency matrix within the organization. You can share the file with colleagues.

The competency matrix, when regularly updated and supplemented, facilitates competency management within your organization. It provides the opportunity for a swift and efficient initiation of the assessment, development, and skill planning process.

Assess Competencies and Confirm Development Plans

Evaluating employees’ competencies is a crucial element of the competency matrix management process. It allows for an objective identification of each employee’s skills and competencies, as well as determining their level. However, the assessment itself is only the first step. The next significant stage is confirming the development plan.

After assessing an employee’s competencies, it is valuable to conduct a feedback conversation to discuss the assessment results and establish development goals. This contributes to the individual growth of each employee. It is important for the employee to be engaged in this process and have the opportunity to express their opinions and expectations regarding their development. Confirming the development plan involves defining specific actions that will lead to the improvement and growth of the employee’s competencies. This may include participation in training, courses, mentoring, or assigning projects that allow for skill expansion and gaining new experiences. It is essential to create a competency matrix and tailor development plans to the employee’s capabilities and ambitions, considering both short-term and long-term career development perspectives.

Regularly monitoring progress and adjusting the development plan along with the evolution of employee needs and goals is crucial for enhancing their development level. Confirming the development path not only provides clear guidelines for employees’ growth but also demonstrates the organization’s commitment to their professional development. This further motivates and engages employees, giving them confidence that their development and competency level are priorities for the organization.

Conclusion: Assessing competencies is a fundamental element of managing the competency matrix, as well as the skills matrix. Confirming the development path is equally important. Introducing specific development actions and goals allows for the improvement of employees’ skills and competencies, increasing their value to the organization. It also builds employee engagement and motivation, fostering a culture of development within the organization.

What can we do to make team management easier?

Conscious competency development is not an easy task, but there are several ways to streamline this process. Here are some practical tips that can make team management easier and more effective.

  1. Clear goals and expectations: The most crucial step in team competency development is establishing clear goals and expectations for the team. These should be specific and accessible to all team members. When everyone shares a common goal and knows what is expected of them, success becomes easier to achieve.
  2. Communication and feedback: Regular and open communication is key to team management. Provide your employees with opportunities to share their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Additionally, provide regular feedback to appreciate their successes and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Delegating tasks: Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Delegate tasks within the team, considering the skills and interests of individual members. Delegating not only relieves you of excessive workload but also promotes skill development and engagement among team members.
  4. Access to tools and resources: Ensure that your team has access to appropriate tools and resources that enable them to work efficiently. This may include software, training, reference materials, etc. Remember to build the competency matrix.
  5. Skill development: Invest in the skill development of your team through training, workshops, and development programs. Help your employees acquire new skills and improve existing ones. Also, remember to create the competency matrix.


With the competency matrix, we can assess and present the skills of our employees, identify areas that require development, and plan individual development paths for new employees at every stage of their growth.

The Competency Matrix is an even more effective tool that enables easy analysis, comparison, and assessment of team members’ skills. It is worth building it because it allows for more precise planning of development activities, adapting training and templates to specific needs, and effectively managing competencies within the organization. The competency matrix not only assesses the current level of employees’ skills but also plans their future training and facilitates competency management. Through it, we can identify skill gaps that can be strengthened and build complementary skills within the team, as well as determine levels of competency development. Remember to thoroughly analyze employees’ skills before placing them in the matrix.

Keep in mind that the Competency Matrix should be regularly updated and supplemented to reflect the changing needs of employees and organizational expectations. This way, the competency matrix ensures excellent employee and team competency development. It is a dynamic process that should be flexible and adapt to new challenges and competency management skills. The competency matrix makes it easier to assess employees’ skills, plan their development, and effectively manage competencies within the organization. This leads to better business results, builds strong teams, and enables employees to achieve professional success.

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You can test managing of human capital with professional Competency Matrix in spreadsheet.